Long time no see! I’m not a good blogger I guess lol
So, I want to tell you about my impressions about the first week of studying and learning (09/07–09/11).
I’ve learned a lot about one of the most terrible terrorist attacks in America and in the whole world — 9/11. I didn’t exist when it happened. To be honest, I’ve never been interested in this event before, because I can not calmly read about violence and murders. But now I know why 9/11 attacks are still important for America. They were unbelievably cruel. When I sat with Nataly watching old videos and news reportings, where we could see people jumping out from the skyscrapers in attempt to save their lives … I could not speak. We both couldn’t . Well, now we know how brutal people can be, so we need to learn how to protect ourlesves and prevent new terrorist attacks.

Let me speak about other (more positive) things — small talks. It was the first time when I tried to play “the imitation game”. I really like how the intonation goes up and down!
“Goooosh, how are you?” — is my favourite phrase.
Another interesting part of learning was phonetics. The most unusual thing for me was how we pronounce the words “dog” (dAg??!) “not” (NAT??!) A lot of “a” in American English. So, the British accent (i am used to) is hard to replace, but it’s just a habit. Sounds and letters disagree, and I had a good mouth work during my first week. Still have!
To be honest, I have some troubles with pleasure reading/watching, because my brains works harder to see the words — understand — translate into Russian. So every book/movie was difficult to begin.
But I did this! I’ve watched the first movie with subtitles till the end — “The road to El Dorado”! It was easy to understand actually, and my rommate helped me to concentrate on the plot and stop checking every unfamiliar word. By the way, my favourite character is Chel. What’s yours?

Also I had my first performance of the dialog with Susanna. We tried to sound like Americans and I think we were cooool!
The only thing bothers me. It is not a surprise: I have troubles with public speaking. My hands starts shaking and I can forget my lines in a moment. I guess I need some time to gt used to the new people and just practise more…
Living with rommates who study British English helps me to understand the difference in how I should speak.Girls train a lot of tongue twisters and it is very useful even for American guys! Look at my fav one:
She sells seashells on the seashore of Seychelles.
The shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure.
For if she sells seashells on the seashore,
Then I’m sure she sells seashore shells.
and some more
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood
As a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
the last one is the hardest for me (I dunno why)
Red lorry, yellow lorry (3 times)
Try to say it faster and faster! I love it :^)
Thank you for reading (and claps)! ❤