There is a saying in Latin “To each their own”. It’s true: people always write rather opposite reviews on the same movies and argue for their truth. I also have some films which made me disappointed or baffled because of my expectations.
a) Think of a film that got rave reviews but which you were disappointed by;
Me Before You (2016) directed by Thea Sharrock seemed quite far-fetched to me. The rating of this film is 7.4/10, but I would give it 5/10 tops. I didn’t like Emilia Clarke overacting, for me it is not her best role. To add to this, I had read the book before watching the movie and I had higher expectations about the emotional scenes and the tragic finale. If not for the book, I would probably like the movie. Pathetic love stories often get rave reviews,
b) Think of a film that you didn’t think you would like, but which you really enjoyed;
1408 (2007) is an American psychological horror film based on Stephen King’s 1999 short story of the same name, directed by Swedish director Mikael Hofström. I am not a horror fan at all, but my friend once made me watch it and I did not regret it. The movie is macabre, but at the same time touching, because it shows vulnerability of human affection. I recommend this movie to those who can’t stand typical horrors with bloody rivers.
c) Think of a film that you really liked but which your friends didn’t enjoy;
Dunkirk (2017), a historical war film that provoked rather controversial reaction among my friends. The film was written, directed and produced by Christopher Nolan and it depicts the Dunkirk evacuation of World War II from the perspectives of the land, sea and air. The genre of the movie is not what you would watch for fun, this was the main reason why some of my friends didn’t enjoy watching it. Though, the movie captured me. Talking about the cast, I was truly stunned by Harry Styles and Cillian Murphy featured in this film.
The explanation is simple: people come from different backgrounds and they love stories that represent their own experience or desires, or dreams. I think it is wonderful, because for every movie or piece of art there is always an audience that will appreciate it.