I’m reading “Bridge to Terabithia”. Now there’s only three chapters left! Today I want to share with you some beautiful nature descriptions.
“Even though it was nearly Easter, there were still very few nights that it was warm enough to leave Miss Bessie (the cow) out. And then there was the rain. All March it poured. For the first time in many years the creek bed held water, not just a trickle either, enough so that when they swung across, it was a little scary looking down at the rushing water below. “

When I read this description, I feel a fresh chill wind touching my face. The sky is like a heavy gray cotton wool. The ground under my feet is wet and slippery. I see the water rushing and apprehensively listen to it’s splashing sounds. I think this description of nature represents future events, the symbol of the scary “creek” means something crucial, fatal.
“The sun wasn’t exactly shining, but it was the first day in so long that the rain wasn’t actually coming down that they sang.”
It was Easter eve, and Jess with his family and Leslie were going to church. Thy symbol of sun is a good sign, it is also refers to God because of the religious holiday. That day was special for the main characters and they were shining like little rays of sun, and nothing made them less calm and peaceful.
New words!
Wearily — in a way that shows that you are very tired — устало, утомлённо
To recon — to think or belive — считать, полагать
To beseech — to ask for something in a way that shows you need it very much — умолять