Hi! I’d like to share my results of quizes i’ve taken in October.
Destination America Quiz

We spoke about Immigration in the US. I was not surprised by my results, because I honestly did not know lots of facts in that quizz. The ultimate goal is to learn, right? :^)

Some facts that I’ve learned from this quiz made me astonished. “Melting pot” and Shakespeare’s characters connection? Wow!
New names (for me) in the history of feminism? Fascinating!
SAT + GRE tests

These tests, especially when i need to find synonyms, are quite challenging. To be honest, sometimes I use the dictionary to understand at least some words. I’m still learning! I liked the words Piety (meaning godliness), glutton (who eats too much), overt (meaning open).
Vocabulary size test

I talk like a teen, yay! :) There is definitely room for growth.
3 online tests

When I do these tests, I mainly choose the words because of my linguistic guess (?) it’s a funny feeling that you kinda know the meaning.