2020 was the hardest year in my life and I’m grateful for everything that made me stronger.
So… the end of that hard year started with a missed train and a long way home… Everything happens, right? My family are the best: they all supported me a lot, phoned me and just were with me. And during the holidays they did not allow me to lie in bed and suffer. I skated with my brother and cousins Vika and Arseniy and even skied(for the first time in five years!)

Also I finally found some time for reading. I haven’t read Max Frei for a thousand years!

And after Christmas I met my dearest friends! We haven’t seen each other since August! So we had a long day talking everything with a cup of coffee and staying out till 3 in the morning, yay!

I feel happy and loved! I had enough sleep and rest, I ate so many salads and even went to banya in the countryside! So now I have a lot of energy to start my studying.