… was like a breath of freash air.
After two month of summer I was longing to get back to studying routine. And than — I was exited about meeting new teachers, and seeing my groupmates (and and roommates at the dorm) again. ❤

We started learning our second foreign language — Spanish — two weeks later than we supposed to, but anyway now we’re doing great! I love studying the phonetics, it is a mix of Russian, Latin and English. Also I’ve learned some phrases. Let me tell about myself in Spanish: ¡Hola! Me llamo Katia. Soy estudiante de español. Soy de Kostroma. Mi famila es grande. Mis padres son de Kostroma. Tengo un hermano. Se llama Artyom. Tengo dos promos. Se llaman Victoria y Arseny.
Talking about phonetics, we started a course of American English Phonetics on a deeper level. It is fascinating to learn how our organs of speech work. Though now it is kind of boring, because there are a lot!! of classifications, but it is a science, so I feel how I make my brain work harder.

Also Nijniy Novogorod now is like a colorful masterpiece. I am fond of Indian summer and refreshed parks. Hope I’ll be able to enjoy this weather at least one more month of fall.
That’s it for now. What great things will happen next month? We’ll see :)
Thanks for reading!