This site seems more convenient than Quizlet. Different approaches to learning the words do help to remember the vocabulary! And the flowers growing as the you progress on your learning is addictive to watch! I’ve started the course «Hard words for GRE» and a Spanish course just for pleasure :)
During the first training, I’ve run into some misprints like antideluvian (correct: antediluvian) and sktechy (sketchy!!). Although the course needs double checking, I decided to continue working on the the vocabulary.
Here are some cool new words that I’ve learned:
Iconoclastic – strongly opposing generally accepted beliefs and traditions.
The iconoclastic artist shocked the audience with his controversial and thought-provoking sculptures at the MoMA.
Maverick – a person who thinks and acts independently of and differently from others.
The maverick scientist pursued unconventional research methods, often challenging the norms of the scientific community.
Delusion – something a person believes and wants to be true, when it is actually not true.
Despite overwhelming evidence, she clung to the delusion that she possessed supernatural abilities.
Deadlock – a situation in which people cannot agree and no progress can be made.
The negotiation between the two parties reached a deadlock when neither side was willing to compromise.