During reading “About a boy” I realized that Marcus is closer to me than Will.

I understand him because I also was a child (a teen) and i also didn’t know who Curt Cobain was. But for Marcus — I guess — he became a hero, a symbol of his growth and connection between Marcus and his friend Ellie. Because Curt was… modern, cool, famous and trendy.
I’d recommend Marcus read a novel “ Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach. This story is about a seagull who is trying to learn about life and flight, and a homily about self-perfection.It will help Marcus to realize that he need not to stop, he need to find enough strength to go on, become more confident and communicative.
New words to share:
truant — a child who is regularly absent from school without permission — прогульщик
to take a hint — to understand or do something that is communicated indirectly — понять намёк
adjacent — very near, next to, or touching — смежные, соседние
decent — socially acceptable or good — приличный
to draw a red herring across the path — lead the attention away from the real point — намеренно вводить в заблуждение, отвлекать внимание от обсуждаемого вопроса
Thats all. Thank you for reading :)