In general, it was a hard month. In Autumn, when our studying had just begun, I thought I had a hard time. Well, now I know that I was not that hard… I remembered Ms B. had told us that we would be exhausted in spring. Now we have much more homework than in the first semester, and we have extra classes of Russian and Literature. But we can handle it! We can and we will :)
I’ve remembered my state exam when we started retelling texts. To be honest, I find it the best way to learn new vocabulary and practice speaking skills. It’s hard, but it worth sweating.
Sometimes I thought that I hate this month. On the last week of snow and ice outside I fell down and hurt my leg :( I had to spend 5 hours in hospital to get no treatment, and then I lied in bed and felt absolutely desperate. Well, at least I slept enough that days :)
And here is a new picture of my kitten Tikhon. He has grown up a bit!

I hope that April won’t be so fast.
That’s all :)))