“Heroes are not giant statues framed against a red sky. They are people who say: This is my community, and it’s my responsibility to make it better.” – Tom McCall
When I think about a hero, I imagine a strong person devoted to people. Unlike the heroes depicted in comics, cartoons and movies, heroes in real life have no superpowers, costumes and magical weapons except their strong character and good deeds. Bravery, patience, confidence and kindness make a hero act: save people, fight for their freedom, make their life better.
“What is a hero without love for mankind.” – Doris Lessing
This quote echoes the previous one. Heroism does not exist out of the community. The final goal of a hero is to protect the powerless from the danger. Without love for mankind a hero becomes a powerful villain. Probably a lonely self-centred villain :)
“Everyone is necessarily the hero of his own life story. – John Barth
That’s true. Your best friend and worst enemy is yourself. Only you know how to save yourself and what’s best for you. There should always be the power (responsibility!) to control your life, make vital decisions, defend yourself if necessary. Like a hero!