Alice and Helen are dining together.
- Helen, do you remember our classmate Megan from the literature course?
- - Oh, I think I do! That girl with long hair.
- - Yes, her. She was such an ugly duckling. She still is, in fact! I’ve come across her Instagram page recently. I couldn’t believe my eyes that she’s married! Poor guy, she must have forced him into marriage. Nobody would marry such an ugly woman. Everybody knows that beauty is the only thing men seek in women.
- - What? That’s nonsense! All people seek love, not just appearance! I believe that personality is more valuable than beauty.
- - Oh, of course, you say that! You are attractive.
- - Well, thank you. But that’s not the point. I think relationships should be based on something more than appearance. People love each other not for beauty, but for humor, support, common life goals, and lots of other things.
- - If that’s not the point and beauty means nothing, let’s tell your boyfriend that you had a nose job! He’ll be glad to know that your imaginary future kids won’t get your pretty tiny nose!
- - Alice, chill! Why would you criticize me for my nose job? You do know it was my biggest insecurity. I did this for myself, not for some men.
- - I’m sorry, but if it truly wasn’t for fitting into beauty standards, you wouldn’t have done that. All women apply to plastic surgery, makeup, and other beauty procedures to become more attractive. But Megan does not fit any of the modern beauty standards! She is obviously suffering from obesity, and she knows nothing about trends.
- - Okay, she’s not skinny, but she doesn’t have to be skinny to be attractive. Weight is just a number, and her body is not your concern. Let’s not body shame people.
- - But you always complain when you gain weight. You’re not body-positive either.
- - I have a right to complain about my body, but I will never judge somebody else’s shape. Before jumping to conclusions, it’s better to get to know this person. Fat or fit, it doesn’t matter.
- - Okay, then why don’t you dump your pretty fit boyfriend and go on a date with that fat guy over there? Come on, he might have a great personality! If you don’t want to, it just proves that you don’t believe in what you say.
- - You’re clearly crossing the line. I’m sorry, I have to go now. Bye!